Today: Feb 12, 2025

How to create a value proposition that resonates like a hit song

5 months ago

MorningRoar #12

Your value proposition is more than just a marketing phrase—it’s the promise that convinces potential customers your product is the solution they’ve been searching for. It’s the first impression that makes them click “Learn More” or the deciding factor that nudges them to sign up for that free trial.

Let’s explore how to craft a value proposition that resonates deeply with your target audience, stands out in a crowded market, and drives your SaaS business to new heights.

What Is Your Product?

Imagine you’re at a family dinner, and your aunt asks what your SaaS product does.

If you start explaining it with the kind of techno-babble that would make a robot blush, don’t be surprised if she quickly changes the subject to her collection of ceramic frogs.

Your value proposition is your chance to avoid this awkward scenario and deliver an answer so clear and engaging that even Aunt Mildred will be impressed.

The first step in crafting your value proposition is to clearly articulate what your product is.

While this may seem like a no-brainer, it’s surprising how many companies struggle with this basic step.

The key is to be clear, concise, and compelling. Your audience should immediately understand what your product is and what it does.

When Dollar Shave Club burst onto the scene in 2011, their value proposition was crystal clear: “A great shave for a few bucks a month.”

They weren’t just selling razors; they were selling convenience and affordability.

In just one sentence, they told potential customers exactly what the product was (razors), what problem it solved (expensive and inconvenient razor shopping), and why it was worth their attention (affordable subscription).

Avoid the temptation to over complicate your message.

Focus on what your product does best and communicate it in a way that’s easy to grasp at first glance.

Next, you need to define who your product is for. This step is crucial because if you try to appeal to everyone, you’ll end up appealing to no one.

The more specific you can be about your target audience, the more your value proposition will resonate with the people who matter most.


Why does your product exist, what is your telos?

Telos is a concept from ancient Greek philosophy, particularly associated with Aristotle, that refers to the inherent purpose, ultimate aim, or essential goal of something.

It’s the reason why something exists or the end it naturally strives to achieve. In simpler terms, telos is the “why” behind the “what”—the deeper purpose that drives actions or the existence of a person, object, or idea.

For instance, the telos of a seed is to grow into a tree, and the telos of a tool is to fulfill the specific function it was designed for.

For a SaaS business, this means looking beyond just what your software does and focusing on why it exists.

Your product’s telos is the deeper reason customers will use it—whether that’s to save time, improve efficiency, or solve a specific problem in their lives or businesses.

By aligning your product development, marketing, and customer engagement strategies with this underlying purpose, your SaaS business doesn’t just offer a tool—it offers a meaningful solution that resonates with users’ broader aspirations and challenges.

Consumers are bombarded with choices, a well-crafted value proposition is your ticket to standing out and winning the hearts of your target audience.

So, take the time to get it right.

After all, your value proposition is more than just a statement—it’s the promise that your product will deliver something truly meaningful to your customers.

Fabrice Iranzi

Journalist and Project Leader at LionHerald, strong passion in tech and new ideas, serving Digital Company Builders in UK and beyond

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